We all have life stories. So many of the people in the Bible have their life stories or at least part thereof written up for us to read, that I am sure that there is a spiritual principle behind people's life stories, otherwise I do not think that God would have spent so much time on getting it recorded and embedded into what we today call 'scripture'. Jesus often used parables to teach people - many of them were stories, I think it is safe to say that your story matters and your story matters to God. And it matters so much that in Revelation 12:10-12 God writes the following about the power of our life stories:
“Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom (dominion, reign) of our God, and the authority of His Christ have come; for the accuser of our [believing] brothers and sisters has been thrown down [at last], he who accuses them and keeps bringing charges [of sinful behavior] against them before our God day and night. 11 And they overcame and conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, for they did not love their life and renounce their faith even when faced with death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them [in the presence of God]."
This is such a hopeful scripture because our life stories are not just beautiful - they are also filled with sinful behaviour that the enemy uses to accuse us before God. This scripture says he does that day and night. Imagine - day and night the enemy is trying to remind God about every sin we ever committed. He does not want us to forget and he certainly is not going to forget and if he has his way, he is going to make sure that God does not forget. However, our God is bigger than that. There are certain things the enemy can do nothing about. He can do nothing about the fact that the salvation and the power and the kingdom, the dominion and the reign of our God and the authority of His Christ had come when Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected, and that it still will come in a visible manner to and on earth at His second coming.
The accuser can do nothing about the fact that the sin of those who believe in Christ are forgiven and they are washed clean. He can do nothing about the fact that he will be overcome by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB and the WORD OF OUR TESTIMONIES, and by us holding on to faith even when faced by death. He can do nothing about the fact that the heavens and all those who dwell in them are rejoicing because the accuser has been conquered and will finally be thrown down.
This is such a hopeful scripture because our life stories are not just beautiful - they are also filled with sinful behaviour that the enemy uses to accuse us before God. This scripture says he does that day and night. Imagine - day and night the enemy is trying to remind God about every sin we ever committed. He does not want us to forget and he certainly is not going to forget and if he has his way, he is going to make sure that God does not forget. However, our God is bigger than that. There are certain things the enemy can do nothing about. He can do nothing about the fact that the salvation and the power and the kingdom, the dominion and the reign of our God and the authority of His Christ had come when Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected, and that it still will come in a visible manner to and on earth at His second coming.
The accuser can do nothing about the fact that the sin of those who believe in Christ are forgiven and they are washed clean. He can do nothing about the fact that he will be overcome by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB and the WORD OF OUR TESTIMONIES, and by us holding on to faith even when faced by death. He can do nothing about the fact that the heavens and all those who dwell in them are rejoicing because the accuser has been conquered and will finally be thrown down.
Our life stories matter. That part of your life story that the enemy uses to accuse you day and night, mattered so much to God that He sent His Son to change it into a powerful testimony that will be instrumental in overcoming the enemy.
When we allow Jesus to clean and heal and re-write the ending of our life stories, He makes all things beautiful in time. The enemy would not want you to tell that life story. He does not want you to share with others how much God has done for and in and through you because He knows it's part of God's tools to overcome him. He will try to steal your voice. He will try to silence you so that you will not tell of the goodness of God in your life. Be intentional. Share the story of the goodness of God in your life. Declare the failures of the enemy, by celebrating the victories of God. Every time he tried to steal, kill or destroy something or someone in your life - tell the world how God did not allow it, how He overcame the enemy's attempt and testify how God built you up. Heaven will rejoice with you!
Casting Crowns
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